Tag Archives: the guardian

Stream: Father, Son, Holy Ghost

6 Sep

Wow, more awesome free streaming courtesy of The Guardian. This time it’s GirlsFather, Son, Holy Ghost LP.

Apparently its a ‘grower.’ Check it out.

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Stream: A Creature I Don’t Know

5 Sep

Exciting news!

If you’re lucky enough to live in the UK…that doesn’t sound right…If you live in the UK, you can listen to Laura Marling‘s latest album, A Creature I Don’t Know, in its entirety by streaming it on The Guardian’s website.

A Creature I Don’t Know is a far bolder, darker, and sometimes more haunting experience than Marling’s previous more delicate folk, which is explained by the fact that she apparently feels a lot more confident when it comes to song-writing. Also, check out this amazing interview she did with The Guardian for an in-depth conversation about the 21 year old and her latest album.

Stand out tracks so far? ‘The Beast’ and ‘Night after Night.’ (Full review coming soon)



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